Dr. Thomas C."Tommy" Harrison was born and raised in Temple, Texas, earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from the Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, and his undergraduate degree from Texas Tech University in Lubbock. In addition, he earned a Masters in Business Aministration(MBA) degree from Texas Tech University.
For the past thirty years, Dr. Harrison has been an enthusiastic and active participant in all three levels of organized dentistry including the Greater Houston Dental Society(President, 2001-2002), the Texas Dental Association(President, 2006-2007) and the American Dental Association(House of Delegates since 1988).
Dr. Harrison's participation in the Katy community includes volunteer, advisory, and committee service to the Katy Independent School District, the Houston Community College System, the Katy Chamber of Commerce, and St. Peter's United Methodist Church. Dr. Harrison and his wife Dr. Mary Sue Harrison, an audiologist in Katy, have two daughters, Katie Harrison Comer and Jill Harrison Bennett who both work in the office.